Temukan 5 jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara dan cara kerjanya

Temukan 5 jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara dan cara kerjanya

Boiler berbahan bakar batubara are commonly used in industries such as power generation, manufaktur, dan pengolahan kimia, diantara yang lain. Mereka bekerja dengan membakar batu bara untuk menghasilkan uap, which is then used to power turbines that generate electricity or drive machinery. Dalam artikel ini, we will discuss the different types of coal-fired boilers, their advantages and disadvantages, and the industries that use them.

Types of coal-fired boilers

Coal-fired boilers have been used for decades to produce steam and generate electricity. They are known for their reliability, efisiensi, dan keterjangkauan. Namun, as concerns about climate change and air pollution grow, there is increasing pressure to reduce the use of coal-fired boilers and transition to cleaner energy sources. Despite this, coal-fired boilers continue to play a vital role in many industries, and it’s essential to understand the different types available.

Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers

Pulverized coal-fired boilers are the most common type of coal-fired boiler used in power plants. They work by grinding coal into a fine powder, which is then blown into the boiler’s combustion chamber. The powder ignites quickly, producing a large flame that heats the water in the boiler’s tubes. The resulting steam is then used to generate electricity.

The advantages of pulverized coal-fired boilers include their high efficiency and ability to burn low-grade coal. Namun, they can be expensive to install and maintain, dan suhu pembakarannya yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan emisi polutan seperti nitrogen oksida.

Industri yang menggunakan boiler berbahan bakar batu bara bubuk termasuk pembangkit listrik, produksi semen, dan pengolahan kimia.

Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers
Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers

Boiler Tungku Siklon

Boiler tungku siklon menggunakan proses pembakaran unik yang melibatkan pusaran batu bara dan udara dalam ruang berbentuk siklon. Tindakan berputar-putar menyebabkan batubara untuk membakar lebih efisien, menghasilkan emisi yang lebih rendah dan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi daripada boiler tradisional.

Keuntungan boiler tungku siklon termasuk kemampuannya untuk membakar batubara tingkat rendah, efisiensi tinggi, dan emisi yang lebih rendah. Namun, mereka bisa lebih mahal untuk dipasang daripada jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara lainnya.

Industri yang menggunakan boiler tungku siklon meliputi produksi baja dan pengolahan makanan.

Boiler Pembakaran Fluidized Bed

Boiler pembakaran fluidized bed menggunakan bed partikel batu bara yang dihancurkan yang tersuspensi dalam aliran udara. Partikel batubara dipanaskan oleh udara, menyebabkan mereka menyala dan terbakar. Panas yang dihasilkan kemudian digunakan untuk menghasilkan uap.

Keuntungan dari boiler pembakaran fluidized bed termasuk kemampuannya untuk membakar berbagai jenis batubara, efisiensi tinggi, dan emisi yang lebih rendah. Namun, mereka bisa lebih rumit dan mahal untuk dipasang daripada jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara lainnya.

Industri yang menggunakan boiler pembakaran fluidized bed termasuk pembangkit listrik, produksi kertas, dan pengolahan kimia.

coal boiler for sale
coal boiler for sale

Boiler yang Dipecat dengan Tangan

Boiler berbahan bakar tangan adalah jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara yang lebih tua yang menggunakan pengumpanan batubara secara manual ke dalam ruang bakar. They are typically found in smaller facilities and are less common in large industrial applications.

The advantages of hand-fired boilers include their simplicity and low cost. Namun, they have lower efficiency and are more labor-intensive than other types of boilers.

Industries that use hand-fired boilers include small-scale power generation and heating applications.

Stoker-Fired Boilers

Stoker-fired boilers are a type of coal-fired boiler that uses a mechanical stoker to feed coal into the furnace. The stoker is designed to distribute the coal uniformly over the grate, where it is burned to produce heat.

The advantages of stoker-fired boilers include their high efficiency, which results in lower fuel costs, and their ability to burn a variety of coal types. Stoker-fired boilers also produce lower emissions than hand-fired boilers, making them a more environmentally friendly option.

Namun, stoker-fired boilers can be more expensive to install and maintain than other types of coal-fired boilers. They also require a steady supply of coal and regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Industries that use stoker-fired boilers include power generation, where they are used to produce steam for electricity production, and other industrial applications, such as paper production, food processing, and chemical manufacturing.

Examples of stoker-fired boilers include the traveling grate stoker boiler and the spreader stoker boiler. The traveling grate stoker boiler uses a continuously moving grate that evenly distributes coal across the combustion chamber. The spreader stoker boiler uses a mechanism that spreads coal across the grate, allowing for a more even burn.


Kesimpulannya, coal-fired boilers are a vital component of many industries, despite the increasing pressure to transition to cleaner energy sources. Understanding the different types of coal-fired boilers and their advantages and disadvantages can help industries make informed decisions about which type to use.

Pulverized coal-fired boilers are the most common type of coal-fired boiler and are used in power generation, produksi semen, dan pengolahan kimia. Cyclone furnace boilers use a unique combustion process that produces lower emissions and higher efficiency, and they are used in steel production and food processing. Fluidized bed combustion boilers are known for their ability to burn a wide range of coal types and are used in power generation, produksi kertas, dan pengolahan kimia. Hand-fired boilers are simpler and less expensive, but less efficient and more labor-intensive, and are used in small-scale power generation and heating applications. Akhirnya, stoker-fired boilers are known for their high efficiency and ability to burn a variety of coal types and are used in power generation and other industrial applications.

Saat industri terus menavigasi lanskap energi yang berubah, penting untuk mempertimbangkan dampak lingkungan dari boiler berbahan bakar batubara dan mengeksplorasi sumber energi alternatif. Namun, sementara itu, memahami berbagai jenis boiler berbahan bakar batubara dan aplikasinya dapat membantu industri membuat keputusan yang tepat tentang kebutuhan energi mereka.


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