best biomass steam generator for sale

biomass steam generator

best biomass steam generator for sale

Biomass steam generators use biomass as the fuel source to heat water and produce steam. They are used in many industries including food processing, pulp & paper, power generation and more.

Biomass Steam Generator

Biomass steam generators are used in the food, chemical and power industries. The biomass is processed into combustible material by shredding, drying, grinding and sieving. Biomass fuels like wood chips or corn stalks can be used for this process. The solid fuel is then burned to produce steam at high temperature which is then used for various purposes such as drying foods like rice or sugarcane to make it suitable for storage; cooking food; heating buildings in winter etc.

Biomass steam generators are also known as biomass-fired heaters or bio-heaters since they use biological material (biomass) as a fuel source instead of fossil fuels like oil or coal which have been exhausted over time.

What is a biomass steam generator?

best biomass steam generator

A biomass steam generator is a device that generates steam from a biomass. Biomass can be any organic material, including wood, plant matter and food scraps. Steam generators are used for many purposes, including generating electricity, industrial processes and heating. They’re also used for cooking—you’ve probably seen one in your local Chinese restaurant!

How does a biomass steam generator work?

steam generator working principle

The biomass steam generator is a system that uses a wood or other biomass fuel to create steam. The fuel burns in the firebox, which heats water in a boiler to generate steam. The steam is used to power a turbine, which turns and drives an electrical generator.

The electricity from the generator can be used on site or fed into the grid. In either case, it’s a renewable source of energy that doesn’t add to global warming because it’s carbon neutral.

What are the types of steam generators?

Types of Steam Generators

Firetube. These are most often used in processes that need anywhere from from 15 to 2,200 horsepower (1 hp = 746 watts, or W). This type of boiler is cylindrical, with the flame in the furnace cavity itself and the combustion gases themselves kept inside a series of tubes. These come in two basic designs: dry back and wet back.

Watertube. In this arrangement, tubes contain steam, water or both, while the products of combustion pass around the outside of tubes. These often have multiple sets of drums, and because they use relatively little water, these boilers offer unusually fast steaming capabilities.

Commercial. These usually feature combinations of watertube, firetube and electric-resistance designs. They are popular in large buildings requiring a mostly constant temperature, such as schools and libraries, office and government buildings, airports, apartment complexes, college and other research laboratories hospitals, and so on.

Condensing. Condensing boilers can reach thermal efficiency levels of to 98 percent, compared to 70 to 80 percent attainable using standard boiler designs. Typical efficiency levels reach about 90 percent when the return water temperature is at 110 F or lower, and rise with decreasing water-return temperature thereafter.

Flexible watertube (flextube). This construction is particularly resistant to “heat shock,” making it a natural option for heating uses. Flexible watertube boilers come in a wide range of fuel inputs and are well-suited for low-pressure applications using either steam or hot water. (Not all “boilers” actually boil water!) These are also quite easy to maintain, with easy access to their working parts from the outside.

Electric. These boilers are famously low-impact: clean, quiet, easy to install, and small in relation to their utility. Because nothing is actually burned (that is, there is no flame to worry about), electric boilers are marvelously simple. There are no fuels or fuel handling equipment in the mix, and hence no exhaust and no need for associated pipes and ports. In addition, these have heating elements that are easy to replace.

Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). This is an innovative energy-recovery “heat exchanger” that recovers heat from a stream of hot gas passing by. These create steam that can be used to drive a particular a process or used to drive a steam turbine to power electricity generation using an electromagnet. HRSGs are built on a foundation of three primary components – an evaporator, a superheater and an economizer.

gas steam generator
gas steam generator

How much does a biomass steam generator cost?

biomass steam generator cost

Biomass steam generators are a cost-effective solution for heating and cooling applications. They are also ideal for industrial processes and other high-temperature applications.

The initial cost of a biomass steam generator can vary depending on the size, configuration, type of fuel used (e.g., wood chips or pellets), and power output required by the system. On average, we have seen that biomass boilers range from $11-$25 per kilowatt of capacity when using wood fiber as a fuel source. For example: If you look at our BTX product line which uses hardwood sawdust pellets, it would cost about $15-$20 per kilowatt of capacity installed (including installation costs).

If you’re looking for other options such as biomass boilers with lower installation prices but higher purchase costs then check out our MBT series which runs on methane gas produced from landfills or other organic waste sources like sewage sludge or food scraps from restaurants and grocery stores! These systems have an average price tag between $18-$30 per kilowatt depending on what kind of heat recovery equipment is needed so make sure you talk with one of us before making your decision!

What is the difference between a boiler and a steam generator?

A boiler is a heat exchanger that can be used to generate steam or hot water. It does this by heating up water in its interior and capturing the steam that results. A boiler will generally have a chimney situated above it so that the steam can escape safely, although some types of boilers do not have chimneys (see below).

A steam generator is also a heat exchanger but it differs from boilers in two important ways: firstly, it’s designed specifically for use in power plants; secondly, whereas boilers are typically located outdoors, most steam generators are installed indoors because they require more precise temperature control than standard boilers do.

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What fuel does the steam generator use?

  • Wood chips, wood pellets, or sawdust are used as biomass fuels. These are all organic materials that have been converted into fuel-like substances using a process called pyrolysis.
  • Other types of biomass include agricultural waste such as rice husks and corn cobs; municipal solid waste like compostable kitchen scraps and paper; livestock waste like manure; and even algae.
  • A boiler is used to generate steam in a steam turbine (which can be connected directly to an electricity generator). The purpose of this steam turbine is to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy by spinning its propeller blades around at high speed (and then allowing them to slow down again).


It’s important to know that the biomass steam generator is not only a means of heating water but also a way of generating power. They use different types of fuel such as wood chips, rice husk, and straw which can be used as an alternative energy source due to their abundant availability. With the rising cost of fossil fuels, these types of generators are becoming more popular because they provide an alternative source of fuel while also helping reduce pollution levels around cities or towns where there may not be any other source available nearby. This type of generator provides reliable service when needed most because it operates on renewable resources such as wood chips rather than burning natural gas from oil wells which could potentially run out someday if used too heavily throughout history.

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