Combien coûte une chaudière à gaz à haut rendement

Combien coûte une chaudière à gaz à haut rendement


Haute efficacité gas boilers cost between $4,000 et $10,000 pour le montage. Ces unités économisent généralement 10% à 20% sur les factures d'énergie. High-efficiency boilers have an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) of 90+, meaning that the boilers convert more than 90% of the fuel into heating.

When it comes to your home, you want to make sure that you’re getting the best possible products and services. With so many options out there, how can you know which ones are right for you? Bien, let me tell you: chaudières à gaz are one of the best ways to heat your home. They provide fast heating and require very little maintenance—plus they’re affordable! In this post we’ll go over everything about gas boilers from what makes them so great to how much they cost.

What is a high efficient gas boiler?

high efficient gas boiler

UN high efficient gas boiler is a type of boiler that’s more efficient than a standard boiler. Typically, they use less fuel and produce less carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of energy produced. They’re also typically more expensive to buy and install than standard boilers, but can save you money in the long run because they last longer and are cheaper to run than standard models.

-Boiler servicing is essential for the safety of your family and home. We can carry out regular boiler checks to ensure it’s working properly, as well as any repairs if necessary Gas boilers are commonly used for water heating, but can also be used to heat air and provide hot water for showers and baths. They come in a variety of sizes and types, y compris chaudières à condensation that use less energy than standard models.

Besoin d'une nouvelle chaudière?

Combien coûte une chaudière à gaz à haut rendement?

natural gas boiler cost

The cost of a gas boiler depends on:

  • Size: the size of your home, and how much hot water you need.
  • Efficacité: the higher the efficiency rating, the lower your fuel bills will be. The minimum efficiency standard for new boilers is 80%. If you have an older model, it may be less efficient and more expensive to remplacer.
  • Brand: some brands are more expensive than others but they tend to last longer and have better warranties on parts and labour costs (if you’ve got an old one that’s broken down).
natural gas boiler cost
natural gas boiler cost

How long do high efficiency gas boilers last?

replacing a gas boiler cost

High efficiency gas boilers are designed to last 20-25 années, but can last much longer if you maintain them properly. If your boiler breaks down and needs replacing with a new one, it will take about 2 days to install.

Installation of an immersion heater (if required), £200 The installation costs of a new high-efficiency electric boiler are as follows: Boiler replacement, including ductwork and control valves, £2,000 to £2,400 Installation of an immersion heater (if required), £200

Advantages of High Efficiency Gas Boilers

new gas boiler cost

High efficiency gas boilers are more energy efficient, cheaper to run and are better for the environment. They’re also quieter, safer and easier to install.

en outre:

  • High efficiency boilers mean you’re getting all this from your boiler.

Réduction des émissions de carbone, as they don’t produce as much CO2 when they’re running. A lower upfront cost for installation and maintenance, which means you’ll keep your energy bills down for longer.

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High-efficiency gas boiler replacement cost

replacing gas boiler cost

If you have an older chaudière à gaz that’s due for a replacement, it may be time to consider the cost of your options. Gas boilers are generally considered one of the most efficient types of heating systems on the market, mais ils ont leurs inconvénients. Par exemple:

  • The price tag is much higher than you would expect from other heating methods such as oil and electric heating systems.
  • They require regular maintenance and repairs, which can add up over time and put a serious dent in your budget if you don’t keep track of all expenses related to maintaining your home’s heating system.

Cependant, there are some major benefits associated with having a high-efficiency gas boiler compared to other types such as oil or electric heaters:

High-efficiency gas boiler installation cost

High-efficiency gas boiler installation cost

The cost of installing a nouvelle chaudière in your home

The installation costs of a new high-efficiency gas boiler are as follows:

  • Boiler replacement, including ductwork and control valves, £2,600 to £3,000
  • Installation of an immersion heater (if required), £200
gas Boiler for sale
gas Boiler for sale

Gas vs Electric Boilers

Gas vs Electric Boilers

Chaudières à gaz are generally more affordable to run than chaudières électriques because gas is more affordable than electricity and is better at heating water. Par exemple, let us consider propane, butane and natural gas versus electricity. One gallon of propane produces about 91,000 BTUs and a single cubic foot of natural gas offers 1,075 BTUs. According to the same source, one KWh of electricity offers 3,413 BTUs to heat your water with. If you are unsure about which boiler type to install, it may be helpful to use a local HVAC replacement cost calculator before contacting a contractor.

According to the government, 1,000 cubic feet of natural gas costs an average of $12.95. At that rate one dollar would buy you 83,011 BTUs of water heating power with a 100% efficient boiler or 66,408 BTUs with an 80% efficient boiler. According to the EIA residential propane prices were an average of $2.36 per gallon, buying you 38,559 BTUs at 100% efficacy and 30,847 BTUs at 80% efficiency for every dollar you spend.


The high-efficiency boiler will last you a long time, donc pas besoin de s'inquiéter pour ça. Il est important de s'assurer que l'installation se passe bien et qu'il n'y a pas de fuites dans votre maison une fois le processus d'installation terminé.. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur ces chaudières et leur fonctionnement, contactez-nous aujourd'hui!

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