Gas(minyak) Ketel Uap Tabung Air Berbahan Bakar

Mungkin 24, 2022 Produk, ketel uap
Gas(minyak) Ketel Uap Tabung Air Berbahan Bakar

Gas(minyak) Fired Water Tube Steam Boiler Ketel mengadopsi struktur pengaturan tipe "D" longitudinal drum ganda; air, uap atau campuran uap-air mengalir di dalam pipa; api terbakar dan gas buang mengalir di luar pipa, membentuk laju aliran uap-air yang sangat cepat dan sistem sirkulasi air yang sangat baik. Tingkat penyerapan panas boiler dan efisiensi termal tinggi.

Nilai daya termal: ≥10t / jam

Nilai efisiensi termal: 100-104%

Tekanan: 2.5MPa

Bahan bakar yang tersedia: diesel, minyak berat, gas alam, gas kota, bahan bakar gas cair, dll..

Keuntungan Gas(minyak) Ketel Uap Tabung Air Berbahan Bakar

  1. Kualitas ketelnya bagusLebih dari 95% peralatan las otomatis digunakan. Setiap ketel diuji dan dipadamkan sebelum meninggalkan pabrik. Tingkat pemeriksaan yang memenuhi syarat adalah 100%.
  2. Perpindahan panas yang efisien Drum tidak langsung dipanaskan, dan tabung berisi uap air ditempatkan di tungku dan cerobong asap sebagai permukaan pemanas untuk meningkatkan efisiensi perpindahan panas.
  3. Memenuhi persyaratan penguapan yang besar Tungku ditempatkan di luar silinder, dan volume tungku bisa besar atau kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembakaran dan penguapan yang besar.
  4. Dampak kecil bencana Susunan pipa air khusus meningkatkan permukaan pemanas, namun jumlah air boiler tidak banyak. Jika terjadi bencana, tingkat kerusakannya kecil.

Gas(minyak) Fired Water Tube Steam Boilers are an innovative and reliable solution for producing steam in industrial settings. They are commonly used in power generation plants, chemical processing facilities, and refineries, diantara yang lain. With their high efficiency, safety features, and versatility, gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers have become a popular choice for many industries.

If you’re considering investing in a gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boiler, this article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of their features, benefits, and applications.

The Components of a Gas(minyak) Ketel Uap Tabung Air Berbahan Bakar

Burner: The burner is responsible for supplying fuel to the combustion chamber, where it is ignited and produces heat. Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers can use natural gas, propana, diesel, or other fuels, depending on the application.
Heat Exchanger: The heat exchanger transfers heat from the combustion gases to the water. Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers use a series of tubes that are surrounded by hot gases, which heat the water inside the tubes.
Water Tank: The water tank stores the water that will be heated and transformed into steam. It is important to maintain the water level within the tank to prevent damage to the boiler.
Steam Drum: The steam drum is where the steam is collected and distributed to the rest of the system.
The Steam Generation Process

The steam generation process begins with the burner igniting the fuel and producing heat. The hot gases produced by the burner flow through the heat exchanger, where they transfer their heat to the water inside the tubes. As the water absorbs the heat, it begins to boil and produce steam. The steam rises and enters the steam drum, where it is collected and distributed to the rest of the system.

Keuntungan Gas(minyak) Fired Water Tube Steam Boilers

Energy Efficiency

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are known for their high energy efficiency. They use less fuel to produce the same amount of steam as traditional boilers, which translates into lower operating costs and reduced carbon emissions. Selain itu, gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are designed to recover heat from the combustion gases, further improving their efficiency.

Durability and Longevity

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are built to withstand harsh industrial environments. They are made of high-quality materials that can withstand extreme temperatures, pressure, and corrosive substances. Lebih-lebih lagi, gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers have fewer moving parts than traditional boilers, reducing the risk of mechanical failure and prolonging their lifespan.

Low Maintenance

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers require less maintenance than other types of boilers. They have fewer components that need to be checked or replaced, which reduces downtime and maintenance costs. Selain itu, gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are equipped with safety features that prevent them from overheating or malfunctioning, further reducing the need for maintenance.

Applications of Gas(minyak) Fired Water Tube Steam Boilers

Power Generation Plants

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are commonly used in power generation plants to produce steam that drives turbines and generates electricity. They are preferred over other types of boilers due to their high efficiency and low emissions.

Chemical Processing Facilities

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are also used in chemical processing facilities to produce steam for various processes, such as heating, distilasi, dan sterilisasi. They are ideal for these applications due to their high energy efficiency and durability.


Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are widely used in refineries to produce steam that is used in various processes, such as crude oil distillation, hydrogen production, and wastewater treatment. They are preferred over other types of boilers due to their reliability, efisiensi energi, and low emissions.

Industri Makanan dan Minuman

Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are also used in the food and beverage industry to sterilize equipment, cook food, and pasteurize beverages. They are preferred over other types of boilers due to their high energy efficiency, low emissions, and compliance with food safety regulations.

FAQs about Gas(minyak) Fired Water Tube Steam Boilers

Q: Are gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers more expensive than traditional boilers?

SEBUAH: Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers may have a higher upfront cost than traditional boilers, but their high energy efficiency and low maintenance requirements make them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Q: Can gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers use renewable fuels?

SEBUAH: Ya, gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers can be adapted to use renewable fuels such as biomass, biogas, and hydrogen, depending on the application.

Q: What safety features do gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers have?

SEBUAH: Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are equipped with safety features such as pressure relief valves, water level sensors, and flame failure protection systems to prevent them from overheating or malfunctioning.


Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are an innovative and reliable solution for producing steam in industrial settings. They are preferred over traditional boilers due to their high energy efficiency, daya tahan, and low emissions. Gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boilers are widely used in power generation plants, chemical processing facilities, kilang, and the food and beverage industry, diantara yang lain. If you’re considering investing in a gas(minyak) fired water tube steam boiler, make sure to choose a reputable manufacturer and consult with a professional to ensure that you select the right boiler for your specific needs.


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Air panas/minyak Uap